Dell have incorporated the ability to restore the computer back to the original factory configuration.
Recently my cousin rang me and told me that she had found whatever they did they couldn't get WiFi working on their Dell Laptop.
When I booted a Linux virus scanner the WiFi worked fine. Woops looks like the software was screwed. As they had a virus protection I figured the software was really screwed, screwed enough that it should be reloaded with the original software.
Didn't have a backup CD what to do?
Copied from 7319-dell-inspiron-restore-to-factory-default-settings
Firstly backup any data to want to save as this will wipe the main partition.
Here are the main steps to restore your Dell laptop to its factory settings. Depending on the model you own, the procedure may vary slightly.
For Windows XP
The Progress window appears. Once the process has begun, Dell PC the restore usually takes only 8 to 10 minutes to complete. When the restore is complete, the message 'The system recovery process was successful' appears.
For Vista or Win 7
If your operating system is VISTA / Win 7, press the F8 key when you see the Dell logo. It will take you to the advanced boot menu options, which include 'Repair your Computer'. Select that option and enter your password if asked, then you will see a list of options like 'system restore' and 'command prompt'. The last option says 'Dell PC restore', or something along those lines. Select that option and follow the instructions on the screen.
If in both cases, the Factory default doesn't work, then your laptop's factory image defaults partition has vanished (i.e., been corrupted / deleted). In this case you will have to reinstall the operating system with the CD or DVD shipped along with the laptop. Follow the link below to install windows XP Pro on your own.
In both cases, if the factory default does not work, then your laptop's factory image defaults partition has vanished (i.e. been corrupted / deleted). In this case you will have to reinstall the operating system with the CD or DVD shipped along with the laptop.
Recently my cousin rang me and told me that she had found whatever they did they couldn't get WiFi working on their Dell Laptop.
When I booted a Linux virus scanner the WiFi worked fine. Woops looks like the software was screwed. As they had a virus protection I figured the software was really screwed, screwed enough that it should be reloaded with the original software.
Didn't have a backup CD what to do?
Copied from 7319-dell-inspiron-restore-to-factory-default-settings
Firstly backup any data to want to save as this will wipe the main partition.
Here are the main steps to restore your Dell laptop to its factory settings. Depending on the model you own, the procedure may vary slightly.
For Windows XP
If your operating system is XP, press the CTRL and F11 keys simultaneously when you see the Dell logo after turning on the laptop, and follow the instructions on the screen.
- Put the computer on.
- When the Dell screen appears, press and hold the CTRL and F11 key simultaneously on the keyboard, then release them both at the same time. The Dell PC Restore by Symantec window appears.
- Click the Restore button or press the key to highlight Restore and press the key.
- Click the Confirm button, or press the key to highlight Confirm and press the key.
The Progress window appears. Once the process has begun, Dell PC the restore usually takes only 8 to 10 minutes to complete. When the restore is complete, the message 'The system recovery process was successful' appears.
- Click the Finish button or press the key to highlight Finish and press the key.
For Vista or Win 7
If your operating system is VISTA / Win 7, press the F8 key when you see the Dell logo. It will take you to the advanced boot menu options, which include 'Repair your Computer'. Select that option and enter your password if asked, then you will see a list of options like 'system restore' and 'command prompt'. The last option says 'Dell PC restore', or something along those lines. Select that option and follow the instructions on the screen.
If in both cases, the Factory default doesn't work, then your laptop's factory image defaults partition has vanished (i.e., been corrupted / deleted). In this case you will have to reinstall the operating system with the CD or DVD shipped along with the laptop. Follow the link below to install windows XP Pro on your own.
- Start the computer.
- As the computer starts, press the F8 key until the Advanced Boot Options menu appears on the screen.
- Press the down arrow to select Repair Your Computer on the Advanced Boot Options menu, then press Enter.
- Specify the language settings that you want, and then click Next.
- Log in as a user who has administrative credentials, and then click OK.
- Click Dell Factory Image Restore.
- In the Dell Factory Image Restore window, click Next.
- Click to select the check box for Yes, reformat hard drive and restore system software to factory condition.
- Click Next. The computer is restored to the default factory configuration.
- When the restore operation is completed, click Finish to restart the computer.
In both cases, if the factory default does not work, then your laptop's factory image defaults partition has vanished (i.e. been corrupted / deleted). In this case you will have to reinstall the operating system with the CD or DVD shipped along with the laptop.
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