Rachael was complaining that her internet usage was sky high and yet she was on holiday.
Judy's issue was dropped packets and a noisy link. After some investigation I had to discount this as a cause.
My advice to her was to turn off the WiFi modem and check the usage the next day. In my naivety I wanted to discount the ISP network.
Next day Rachael rang me to give me the good news, overnight no data was being used.
I needed to go to her place and look at her network.
Rachael's home network was a computer and printer connected to the modem/router via ethernet cables. The other devices in the house were connected to the network via the WiFi connection.
I now had to test each connected device for bandwidth usage. I needed a tool that I could use to look network analysis on these devices.
I installed Wireshark on the PC and powered up the tool and checked the traffic. It seemed the PC was doing nothing strange. I loaded Wireshark on the two connected laptops. The traffic on one of the laptops was high, much higher than I would have expected. I had found the "trojan horse" of a computer in the network. I had to isolate this laptop off the network and really reload and reset the operating system.
So now lets put the situation in perspective and go back to the start of this blog. Rachael was away on holiday but her partner Alan was at home researching his family tree on his laptop. I suspect he just left his laptop on not realizing it was continuously using up their internet bandwidth.
The laptop has been left off since then and she's reported no subsequent problems with her ISP and her download limits.
I had a déjà vu moment and thought that I've fixed this before with Judy. See Judy's problem in my Blog May 2015 "Irate ADSL customer wanting WEB access.
Judy's issue was dropped packets and a noisy link. After some investigation I had to discount this as a cause.
My advice to her was to turn off the WiFi modem and check the usage the next day. In my naivety I wanted to discount the ISP network.
Next day Rachael rang me to give me the good news, overnight no data was being used.
I needed to go to her place and look at her network.
Rachael's home network was a computer and printer connected to the modem/router via ethernet cables. The other devices in the house were connected to the network via the WiFi connection.
I now had to test each connected device for bandwidth usage. I needed a tool that I could use to look network analysis on these devices.
I always fall back to my favourite network analysis tool, Wireshark.
Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol
analyzer. It lets you see what's happening on your network at a
microscopic level. It is the de facto (and often de jure) standard
across many industries and educational institutions.I installed Wireshark on the PC and powered up the tool and checked the traffic. It seemed the PC was doing nothing strange. I loaded Wireshark on the two connected laptops. The traffic on one of the laptops was high, much higher than I would have expected. I had found the "trojan horse" of a computer in the network. I had to isolate this laptop off the network and really reload and reset the operating system.
So now lets put the situation in perspective and go back to the start of this blog. Rachael was away on holiday but her partner Alan was at home researching his family tree on his laptop. I suspect he just left his laptop on not realizing it was continuously using up their internet bandwidth.
The laptop has been left off since then and she's reported no subsequent problems with her ISP and her download limits.
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